3.27.2019 Release Notes

Waterford released an automatic software update on March 27, 2019. See what’s new in the list below. If you have any questions, our Support Team is always happy to help!

New “Contact Us” Button in Waterford Manager

Affects: Waterford Early Learning, SmartStart

We added a Contact Us button into Waterford Manager to make it easier for educators to give us feedback. If you have any questions or comments about Waterford programs, send our team a message through the Contact Us form, and we’ll answer as soon as possible!

screenshot of the Waterford Manager homepage

Two New Downloadable Newsletters in Waterford Manager

Affects: Waterford Early Learning, SmartStart

We uploaded two class newsletter templates to the Teacher Materials area of the Curriculum tab in Waterford Manager, available in English or Spanish. You can send these newsletters to families to help them understand Waterford’s Five Instructional Strands and to introduce some ways that families can support their child’s learning at home.

The newsletter titles are:

  • Part 1: Getting Started with Waterford Early Learning: Reading
  • Part 2: Getting Started with Waterford Early Learning: Reading

Updated Navigation in Waterford Early Learning App

Affects: Waterford Early Learning

We have added a breadcrumb navigation trail underneath the student pictures in the Waterford Early Learning app. Instead of having to relaunch the app if they click on the wrong student, users can now access previous pages using the breadcrumb trail.

screenshot of the Waterford Early Learning app

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