Release Notes 7.14.2021 released an automatic software update on July 14, 2021. See the list below for update details. If you have any questions or feedback, our Support Team is always happy to help.

New Student Login Option: QR Code

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

Students can now log in to Waterford Reading Academy using a unique QR code instead of entering their username and password. After scanning the QR code, students will be logged in to their Waterford Reading Academy account.

screenshot of the Waterford login page for students
This feature is only available for students who are using a device with a camera. It is offered in addition to usernames and passwords rather than as a replacement.
photo of a Waterford QR code being scanned to log in to the program

Added: Forgot Org Code Feature

Instead of contacting Waterford support, educators can now use the login page to retrieve their organization code. After clicking on the Forgot Code link, they will be able to search for and retrieve their code.

screenshot of the forgot org code feature
At this time, the organization code is not required to log in to Waterford Reading Academy.

New Feature: District and School-Level Goals

Administrators can now create customized district and school-level goals for their students. This feature is available on the grade level and will change the goal for every child under the grade chosen.

screenshot of the district-level courses & goals

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