Introduction to Courses and Goals for Administrators
Through the Courses and Goals tab, you can view and adjust classroom or individual student courses and goals, as well as assign courses and adjust WACS benchmarks.
In the Classes view, you can filter by school. In the Students view, you can filter by the following options:
- Classes
- Schools
- Gender
- Grade Level
- Primary Language
- Assignment

To view student assignments at a high level, visit the Courses and Goals tab and select the Students view. Beside each student’s name are circles representing the following courses. If a circle is colored in, the student is enrolled, while an uncolored circle means they are not enrolled. The courses and their corresponding colors are:
- Waterford Upstart — U (red if enrolled)
- SmartStart — S (purple if enrolled)
- Early Reading — R (blue if enrolled)
- Math & Science — M (green if enrolled)
- Curriculet — C (orange if enrolled)
- Assessments — A (pink if the student is enrolled and is in an active benchmark period)
Goals set at a classroom level affect students within that class when the goal is set. If new students are rostered into the classroom, the goal would need to be set for each new student individually.