Understanding Class Assessment Reports as a Teacher or Administrator

Generating a Class Assessments Report

To select and view a Class Assessment report in Waterford Reading Academy:

  1. Log in to Waterford Reading Academy and visit the Reports tab.
  2. Choose Classes under view.
  3. Choose Assessments under the Curriculum filter.
  4. Select the benchmark window you would like to generate a report for from the Benchmark filter.
  5. Select the grade level you would like to generate a report for from the Grade Level filter.
  6. Select the class that you would like to view within the report.
  7. Scroll to Class Assessments Report from the list of reports and select Open.

The report will now load in the same window for you to view.

Reading a Usage Report

As a teacher or district administrator in Waterford Reading Academy, you can generate the Detailed Benchmark Results and Benchmark Results reports to view.

To generate these reports, visit the Reports tab and select the Classes view and Assessments curriculum. Then, apply the Benchmark, Classes, and Grade Level filters.

The Detailed Benchmark Results report will display performance data for all students in the selected class and grade level for the benchmark window, as well as include metrics for which the exam is measured. 

Data displayed on the report can be interpreted as follows:

  • Highest Possible: maximum score for each of the listed skills on the report
  • Lowest Possible: minimum score for each of the listed skills on the report
  • Expected Scores: expected range of scores for students based off of the selected grade and benchmark
  • District Average: the average score for all students in the district within a specific grade level for each of the listed skills on the report
These averages are calculated independently of this report and cannot be attainted just by looking at the data on this report.
  • School Average: the average score for all students in the school within a specific grade level for which the class is assigned for each of the listed skills on the report
This number is calculated by averaging the scores of all classes that are assigned to the school. It is also calculated independently of this report.
  • Class Average: the average score for all students in the selected class for each of the listed skills on the report
This number is calculated by adding the scores of each student in the class for a given skill and dividing by the number of students in the class
Class Assessment Report screenshot

In the example shown above, there are no scores for the Segmenting skill because PreK students are not tested on segmenting. Additionally, the key at the bottom of this report gives score ranges and the grade levels for which those scores are attributed.

Any students in the class where scores are below expected based on their grade level are highlighted in orange. You can take action on these students by visiting the Resources & Activities tab and assigning activities within that category.

The Benchmark Results report is identical in format to the Detailed Benchmark Results report, except that it allows you to click on a student’s name to open their Individual Performance report.

As noted in the Waterford refresh rate guidelines, all Waterford reports update hourly.

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