Introduction to Class Dashboards for Administrators

As an administrator in Waterford Reading Academy, you can view class dashboards to get a quick overview of the status of students within a specific classroom.

Here you will see a breakdown of students in your classroom within the following goal statuses:

  • Surpassing Goal (Green): Student is projected to surpass their project goal by the end of the school term
  • On Track (Blue): Student is projected to meet their project goal by the end of the school term
  • Catching Up (Purple): Student is not currently projected to meet their goal, but an action plan has been taken by their teacher
  • Needs Teacher Action (Orange): Student is not currently projected to meet their goal and has not been assigned an action plan by their teacher

The Objectives Mastered percentage represents the number of objectives that students within your classroom have mastered out of the total number of objectives they have seen. If, for example, students in your classroom have encountered 100 objectives and mastered 73 of them, the Objectives Mastered percentage will be 73%.

By selecting the Classroom view, you will see the following courses available for selection as dashboard filters: 

  • Early Reading
  • Early Math & Science
  • SmartStart
  • Assessments

Within the Reading, Math & Science, and SmartStart courses, you can use the following filters:

  • Grade Level
  • Genders
  • Primary Language
  • Goal Status

As you apply filters, the dashboard will reload with updated values to reflect the students within your classroom that meet the applied filters.

If you select multiple options in a single filter type, the results will display students that meet any of the applied selections in that dropdown, not just students that meet all filter options selected. If you check the boxes for both Prekindergarten and Kindergarten in the Grade Level filter, for example, the dashboard will include students with either the Prekindergarten or Kindergarten grade level applied.
screenshot of a classroom dashboardd
As noted in the Waterford refresh rate guidelines, Waterford dashboards update within ten minutes.

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