Applying for Waterford Upstart Programs (Child Care Providers)

You can apply for an upcoming Waterford Upstart program through your account. To apply:

  1. Log in to your Waterford Upstart account at
home page screenshot
Family and child care providers use the same login page. If you have previously used your email address to enroll a child, you will be already assigned a family account type. You will need to create a new account to be able to access the Child Care Center option.
  1. Select the Enroll button from the home screen. You will be redirected to a pop-up window.
  2. Select Child Care Center as your account role.
select role screenshot
  1. Add your child care center information, including the facility and provider names, email, phone number, and address.
add facility screenshot
  1. Use the Add a Child form to add individual children to your facility’s account. Include the child’s name, birth date, and zip code.
add child screenshot
  1. Choose Submit. You will then be redirected to the Enrollment tab, where you can view open programs in your area.
Enrollment screenshot
  1. Select Apply for the program you would like to enroll the child in. You will be redirected to the program application form, which has two parts:
  • Child Information 
  • Participation Commitments
application screenshot
  1. Select Let’s Go! to fill out the application. After filling out the form, you will be redirected to a final page where you can view the program start date and a confirmation that you have completed all application steps.
Enrollment screenshot
  1. Select Submit to finish and send your application. Repeat this step for each child that you would like to enroll.

Once you have submitted your application, you can view the status of each child’s Waterford Upstart application from the Enrollment tab in the following categories:

  • Processing: The application has been received, and information is being checked to ensure it matches the program requirements. It will be processed within about 30 minutes.
  • Waiting for Approval: Application has been received, and Waterford is reviewing your eligibility.
  • Accepted: Application has been approved for the program. You will be emailed next steps to the email address you included in the form.
  • Ineligible: Application has been received, but you are not eligible for this program.
  • Waitlisted: Application has been received, but this program is either full or not yet open. Once the program has opened or additional spaces are available, applications will be reviewed again.

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