1.30.2019 Release Notes
Waterford released an automatic software update on January 30, 2019. See what’s new in the list below. If you have any questions, our Support Team is always happy to help!
Dashboard Completion Chart Now Shows On Track Zone
Affects: Waterford Early Learning, SmartStart
We added a new feature to the Completion Chart in the student-level dashboard: On Track Zone. Because a student’s activity can vary from day to day, the On Track Zone displays the range where a student will still be considered On Track for their set goal. As with all features in the Completion Chart, the On Track Zone will be updated once every two weeks.

If a student falls behind the trajectory for their Level Goal, their Projected Completion line will turn red and appear below the On Track Zone. The Projection Line will turn yellow if the teacher adjusts the student’s goal, even if they are now within the On Track Zone, until the chart is next updated.

New Classroom Advantage Playlist Titles
Affects: Classroom Advantage
We updated the titles for all pre-built playlists available in Classroom Advantage. The new titles reflect their connection to the Objective Details report to help educators find the right playlists for their students’ needs.
Update: Waterford Early Learning Android App
Affects: Waterford Early Learning
We published an update to the Waterford Early Learning Android app. Its purpose is to make the app compatible with the latest release of Google’s latest operating system (Android 8.1.0). You can download the update through the Google Play Store to correct any potential compatibility issues.
New Level Goal Recommendations
Affects: Waterford Early Learning, SmartStart
We revised our Level Goal recommendations for Waterford Early Learning, SmartStart, and Waterford Upstart. Our new recommendations, which you can view in the chart below, reflect our mission to help students succeed from the start by learning essential academic concepts.
Waterford Reading

Waterford Math and Science

We will automatically update all Waterford software with these new level recommendations as the default during summer 2019. For now, you may update your school or district’s level goals as desired.
WACS Report Update
Affects: Waterford Assessment of Core Skills (WACS)
We revamped the classroom-level WACS Report to improve its readability. The new report will be color-coded based on whether a student is at, above, or below their expected grade score. Additionally, the Score Key will now list the associated grade level represented by the numerical score.

The new report will also list the District Average, School Average, and Class Average for comparison to your student’s individual scores, as well as the Expected Score for specific skills based on grade level.