Release Notes 12.03.2024 will release an automatic software update on December 3, 2024. See below for details.

If you have any questions or feedback, visit the Help Center for more information.

Current iOS and Android App Version 2.10.1

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy app

Waterford continues to bring new features and functionality to the software, and continuous updates are made to improve tablet functionality. To ensure that you and your students have an optimal experience, the current version, 2.10.1, is recommended.  Waterford utilizes automatic updates whenever possible.

Accessing High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) resources just got easier!

Affects: Educators using the Objective Reports

Embedded hyperlinks in the Objective Details and Area of Difficulty Reports now enable educators to access related digital activities from Resources & Activities in a new window. This functionality makes it easy to toggle between playlists and activities without losing progress, helping educators provide targeted instruction.

Additionally, search and filter information now appears directly in the URL. Educators can share direct links to HQIM-aligned digital content with pre-applied filters, streamlining collaboration among staff.

Please note: Users must be logged into the program for these links to function. The hyperlinks only display digital resources.

Improved Tablet Functionality for 30 More Waterford Activities

Affects: All Waterford programs

Waterford continues to enhance its digital activities, optimizing the tablet experience for greater accessibility and engagement. These latest updates include a refreshed, modern interface, enhanced audio, and expanded Spanish language support, helping learners engage with content more effectively.

With these improvements, Waterford aims to provide a seamless, engaging experience across all devices, encouraging more interaction and fostering deeper learning.

Visual and audio updates will be noticeable in the activities below. Here are some Before & After screen shots highlighting some of the updates:

Stick n’ Spell

Make and Spell

All-Star Spelling

Hidden Pictures

Counting Puzzle

73 More Updated Waterford Digital Books Ready to Read

Affects: All Waterford programs

Each book now features a new title page with accompanying audio that sets the purpose and tone for the reading experience and aids reading comprehension. Learners can access a variety of supports to build word recognition, including:

  • Word pronunciations
  • Definitions, images, and related words for key vocabulary
  • Inspector Detector think-alouds to engage critical thinking
  • Rebus images, a feature that allows learners to toggle between visual and textual representations

Learners will also notice a brief instructional video at the start of each book starring the Waterford characters and guiding students on how to make the most of the interactive features.

Waterford is updating our entire library of digital books to elevate the quality of the reading resources with an accessible, multi-sensory experience for your students. A steady stream of enhanced digital titles is being rolled out over the coming months, with 73 more available in November for families, educators, and students. You can view the full title list here.

Meet the Readable Video Updates

Affects: All Waterford programs

Meet the Readables! The Readable Series comes to life with fresh new audio and visuals for an engaging learning experience. Each video introduces key power and pattern words that students will encounter before and during their reading journey, setting them up for success and enhancing their comprehension skills.  Forty-eight will be released in November, and eight more will be released in January.

Celebrate and Organize Achievements with Ease

Affects: Students who have earned multiple awards

A child can now filter or sort their Awards. This enhancement also effectively addresses a key learning and organizational skill for young children: sorting and categorizing. With the introduction of specific icons, children can now easily navigate through their Awards and showcase specific ones, reinforcing early mathematical skills connected to sorting and classification standards. This organization fosters independence, decision-making, and pride in their accomplishments as they choose and share specific Awards with teachers, peers, and caregivers. The categorized icons align with academic standards in math by supporting early skills in sorting and by enhancing usability, creating a child-centered and engaging experience.

Award menu
  • Multi-Colored Circles: All earned Awards
  • Blue Acorn: Group Character Postcards
  • Pink Book: Waterford Book Postcards
  • Orange Paw: Solo Character Postcards
  • Blue Puzzle Piece: Waterford Activities Postcards
  • Red Leaf: Postcards with Items Belonging to Characters
  • Green Video Player: Waterford Video Awards

Clicking on any icon filters the display to show only the selected category, making it easy for students to find and enjoy their favorite achievements quickly.

Initial view with new Award filtering icon:

View when a student clicks on the filtering icon:

View with Blue Acorn selected, showing Group Character Art:

Find Your Favorite Waterford Books Faster

Affects: Educators using Curriculets for high-achieving students

We've streamlined the Curriculet filters to make it faster and easier to find and assign the resources you need.

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