Waterford Reading Academy : Usage and Milestones, End-of Grade Ranges
The Usage and Milestones resource provides key insights into student progress in the Waterford Early Learning Reading and Math & Science curricula. The grade-level charts show the average program location of students based on their total usage minutes, assuming they start at the beginning of the appropriate program level (e.g., PreK–K at Pre-Reading 1, 1st Grade at Basic 1, and 2nd Grade at Fluent 1).
Based on the Usage and Milestones reference materials:

- Total monthly usage minutes are calculated using the average (fig a)weekly student usage displayed at the top of each chart.
- The usage guidelines Total MINUTES (fig b) reflect the average time needed for a student to complete the program within the End-of-Year Range.
- The End-of-Year Range (fig c) represents the portion of the program that ensures students receive instruction in all milestone skills necessary to be ready for the next grade level.

Students completing the program at the lower end of the range will have been taught all required milestone skills but may still be developing full proficiency in those areas.
For more information, refer to the Usage and Milestones information within the Resources & Activities tab in the Waterford Reading Academy portal.
Last Updated: 11/26/24