Changing Language Settings in Waterford Mentor
Waterford Mentor is available for families in English, Spanish, or Romanian. You can change your language settings on the Waterford Mentor browser or app.
When you change your language settings using one platform, the other will change automatically as well. If you change your language settings using the app, for example, the browser will update to show your preferred language.
Changing Language Settings in the Waterford Mentor Browser
To change your language settings in the Waterford Mentor browser:
- Log in to Waterford Mentor.
- Visit the Profile tab.
- Scroll to the language dropdown button.
- Select your desired language.
- Select with your cursor anywhere else on the page to save your changes.

This will automatically change your account language in the app and desktop browser.
Changing Language Settings in the Waterford Mentor App
To change language settings in the app:
- Log in to your Waterford Mentor account.
- Tap on the button with three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the home screen.
- Tap on the Settings button.
- Choose the language you would like for the app from the Select Language dropdown bar.

If your smartphone's language is set to Spanish, the Waterford Mentor app will send out a Push notification asking if you’d like to change your language settings from English to your phone’s set language.