PreK Correlations

Alabama PreK Correlation December 2021.pdf

Alaska PreK Correlation Waterford Early Learning January 2022.pdf

Arkansas PreK Correlation June 2019.pdf

California PRE-K Correlation with Playlists November 2024.pdf

Colorado SmarStart Correlation June 2023.pdf

Connecticut PreK Correlation July 2022.pdf

Georgia PreK Correlation July 2021.pdf

Florida SmartStart Correlation April 2024.pdf

Idaho PreK Correlation January 2022.pdf

Illinois PreK Sequence Correlation September 2020.pdf

Indiana PreK Correlation February 2024.pdf

Iowa SmartStart Correlation September 2023.pdf

Kansas SmartStart Correlation March 2024.pdf

Kentucky PreK Correlation September 2022.pdf

Louisiana PreK Correlation February 2023.pdf

Maine PreK Correlation June 2022.pdf

Maryland PreK Correlation January 2020.pdf

Massachusetts PreK Correlation June 2022.pdf

Michigan SmartStart Correlation October 2019.pdf

Mississippi PreK Correlation with Playlists November 2024.pdf

Missouri SmartStart Correlation February 2024.pdf

Nevada PreK Correlation October 2021.pdf

New Hampshire PreK Correlation July 2022.pdf

New Jersey PreK Correlation May 2018.pdf

New Mexico 3-Year-Old SmarStart Correlation March 2023.pdf

New Mexico PreK Correlation February 2024.pdf

New York PreK Correlation October 2021.pdf

North Carolina PreK Correlation September 2018.pdf

North Dakota PreK Correlation November 2021.pdf

Ohio PreK Correlation March 2024.pdf

Oklahoma SmartStart Correlation May 2024.pdf

Pennsylvania PreK Correlation September 2023.pdf

Rhode Island PreK Correlation July 2022.pdf

South Carolina PreK Correlation July 2024.pdf

South Dakota SmartStart Correlation February 2020.pdf

Tennessee PreK Correlation August 2024.pdf

Texas PreK Correlation with Playlists November 2024.pdf

Vermont PreK Correlation July 2022.pdf

Virginia SmartStart Correlation July 2021.pdf

West Virginia PreK Correlation June 2023.pdf

Wisconsin SmartStart Correlation August 2022.pdf

Wyoming PreK Correlation June 2023.pdf

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