Creating Custom Playlists

For a PDF guide on creating, assigning, and managing playlists, follow the link here.

You can create custom playlists to arrange activities in an order you prefer. To create a custom playlist:

  1. Choose the My Playlists view on the Resources & Activities tab.
  2. Select the blue Create Playlist button. You will be redirected to a new window.
Create Playlist button screenshot

  1. Add a name and description for the custom playlist.
Playlist Name field screenshot
  1. Select the + button between the Start and Stop bars to add an activity. A pop-up window will appear.
screenshot of the + button
  1. Search for the activity that you would like to add to your playlist using the filters and search bar.
The text you enter to search will not stay in the search field once you select enter. After you select enter the search is retained above the search box (e.g. Phonics> PreK> P).
screenshot of the activity search bar
  1. Select the blue Add button when you have found the activity you would like to include in your custom playlist. You can add multiple activities at a time.
screenshot of the Add buttton
  1. 7. When you have finished adding activities, select Save. You can adjust activity placement within the playlist by selecting the up or down arrow buttons. This will place an activity above or below the activity next to it.
    Activities range in time from two to five minutes. suggests a playlist should not exceed ten minutes and contain five or less Digital Activities. You can drag and drop any added activities to change their position in the playlist sequence.
screenshot of a playlist activity list
You can also remove activities from the playlist by selecting the blue icon on the right side of the activity as you build your playlist. Then, you can choose Remove from Playlist.
screenshot of the blue icon
screenshot of the Remove from Playlist window
  1. Add a description if desired. Choose Save once you have finished creating your playlist.
screenshot of the Choose button

Once you save your playlist, it will automatically appear in your My Playlists list.

screenshot of a playlist as it will appear in the Resources & Activities search results

You can now assign the playlist to your students or share it with other educators in your district.

You can edit a custom playlist as needed later by clicking on the View Contents option from the menu bar to the right of the playlist.

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