Introduction to the Student Homepage in Waterford Reading Academy
After logging in to their Waterford Reading Academy account, students will notice a prominent blue Courses tile to start their regular learning session and a green Assigned tile for assigned activities and playlists.
When a student selects the blue Courses tile, they will notice that Waterford character Scout Squirrel consistently represents the Reading course in a purple tile. Teo Turtle and Cora Cardinal represent the Math & Science course in a light blue tile. Finally, Rosy Raccoon repreents the SmartStart course in a red tile. For Assessment, Wyatt Gopher appears in an orange tile.
After selecting a course, students will seamlessly begin their session without disruption to their learning experience.
If students choose the green Assigned tile, they will be directed to a comprehensive view of all their assigned activities and playlists.
The orange assigned tile is designated for Curriculet books. The blue tile is designated for assigned activities and playlists.

To log out, students will click on their name.