Release Notes 11.17.2021 released an automatic software update on November 17, 2021. See the list below for update details. If you have any questions or feedback, our Support Team is always happy to help.

New Resource: Curriculet Library Overview

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

Educators can now view a PDF list of Waterford books as well as external books for which supplemental curriculets are available, along with links to accompanying teacher resources. This list will be updated regularly as new books and resources are added.

Now Available: Clever Single Sign On for Students

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

Waterford Reading Academy students can now log in via Clever in addition to QR codes or username and passwords. To log in using this option, students can select on the Login with Clever button below the username and password boxes.

New Digital Activities in Waterford Reading Academy

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

Students will now encounter two new sets of foundational skills activities, which will be available to assign individually as well:

  • Word Building/Orthographic Mapping
  • Decoding/Syllabication
screenshot of a Waterford activity
screenshot of a Waterford activity

Additionally five new sets of introductory and closing videos have been added to Waterford books. These videos are designed to engage young learners, teach reading skills, set the purpose for reading the books, and support reading comprehension.

screenshot of Waterford books and activities

New activities and resources are available under the Resources and Activities tab in Waterford Reading Academy.

Updated Resource and Activity Cards

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

The Resource and Activity cards now display a resource type along with a brief description to provide more information and help you distinguish between activities with similar names.

screenshot of Waterford resource cards

Additionally, in response to user feedback, digital activities no longer feature a 10-second preview screen. Instead, by clicking the View button, users will be taken directly to the activity.

Updated: Licenses Table

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

The Licenses table in the Organizations tab now features a quick breakdown of licenses purchased by your school district along with the following information:

  • Licenses assigned to school or district
  • Licenses available to assign
  • Licenses reserved by schools within a district
screenshot of Waterford license tables

This will allow district or school administrators to better understand their licensing status and needs. Because this feature will be released on a rolling basis, contact support if you would like to activate it now.

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