Release Notes 1.27.2021 released an automatic software update on January 27, 2021. See the list below for update details. If you have any questions or feedback, our Support Team is always happy to help.


New Feature: School- and District-Level Dashboards

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

We added school- and district-level dashboards for administrators. These dashboards provide information about your organization’s progress toward student goals in real time.

screenshot of a district-level dashboard
screenshot of a school-level dashboard
Individual Courses and Assignments Viewable from Students Tab

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

Educators can now view individual goals and assignments from the Students tab. For class goals and assignments, educators will continue to use the Courses and Goals and Resources and Activities tabs.

screenshot of an individual Courses & Goals window
screenshot of an individual student's Waterford assignments

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