Release Notes 8.23.2023 will release an automatic software update on August 23, 2023. See the list below for details.
If you have any questions or feedback, visit the Help Center for more information.
10 New Math Resources for Educators and Families
Affects: Waterford Reading Academy, Waterford Mentor, Waterford Upstart
More offline activities are now available to support the development of foundational math skills in the classroom or at home! Educators can access the following new resources in English:
- Sequence to 100 (Basic Math)
- Understanding Addition (Basic Math)
- Measurement: Length, Width & Height (Fluent Math)
- Place Value: Hundreds, Tens & Ones 1 (Fluent Math)
- Place Value: Hundreds, Tens & Ones 2 (Fluent Math)
- Measurement: Time (Pre Math)
Families and educators can also access these new math resources in English and Spanish:
- 1–100 Flash Cards (Spanish: Tarjetas de práctica 1–100)
- Number Sentences (Spanish: Oraciones numéricas)
- Find the Area (Spanish: Encuentre el área)
- My Daily Activities (Spanish: Mis actividades diarias)
Finally, to better meet Waterford inclusive excellence and child engagement standards, the Curriculum team re-animated the following songs (all available to view on the YouTube channel):
Families and educators can access all new and updated resources through the Resources & Activities tab.
Updated: Family Instructional Strands Videos
Affects: Waterford Mentor, Waterford Upstart, Waterford Reading Academy
Families can now access videos explaining the six instructional strands of Waterford’s reading curriculum to better understand the skills their child is learning and help practice them at home:
- Phonological Awareness
- Phonics
- Fluency
- Comprehension & Vocabulary
- Language Concepts
- Communication
These videos are available in English and Spanish through the Resources & Activities tab as well as on the YouTube channel.

Added: Restoring Deleted Staff and Students
Affects: Waterford Reading Academy
District administrators can now re-add a former student or staff member or restore an accidentally deleted account. All restored users will need to be reassigned all licenses, courses, and goals previously associated with their account.

Follow the link here for more information on restoring deleted accounts.
Waterford Mentor and Upstart Student Cards Now Show Progress
Affects: Waterford Mentor, Waterford Upstart
View a child’s progress toward usage targets at a glance! Families using Waterford Mentor can now see their child’s progress towards daily usage targets from the student card. Waterford Upstart families can see progress toward overall usage targets in addition to daily targets.

Bar at Bottom of Waterford Activities Restored to Green and Blue
Affects: Waterford Reading Academy, Waterford Upstart, Waterford Mentor
Know from a glance if a child is working on reading or math & science activities! To help caregivers and educators better monitor a child’s progress through Waterford activities, the bar at the bottom of the activity will again change color based on which course they are currently completing.
The bar will be blue while a student is working on Reading activities and green when they are working on Math & Science activities.

Speed Game Timer Changes
Affects: Waterford Reading Academy, Waterford Upstart, Waterford Mentor
The Speed Game timer visual has been adjusted to assist student focus and provide a more engaging game-playing experience. Children will see the following changes:
- Removed number value from the center of the timer
- Swipes from blue to white in real time
- Removed yellow warning at 25% left