Release Notes 1.25.2023 will release an automatic software update on January 25, 2023. See the list below for details.
If you have any questions or feedback, our Support Team is always happy to help.
Updated Waterford Upstart Login Page
Affects: Waterford Upstart
The Waterford Upstart login page received a makeover on desktop and mobile. While the look is new, it directs users to the same place as before.
Now, users can find a welcome message explaining the Waterford Upstart mission and what to expect as they get started. After they create their account, they will be reminded on future logins whether they created a unique username and password or associated their account with their Google or Apple IDs.

Follow the link for more information on signing up and logging in to Waterford Upstart.
Coming Soon: Improved Support for Student Names with Special Characters
Affects: Waterford Reading Academy, Waterford Upstart, Waterford Mentor
Beginning on January 30th, families and educators will be able to use special characters when writing a student's name in the preferred name field of Waterford Reading Academy. The preferred name is an editable field in Waterford Reading Academy that determines the student name displayed in activities.
Special characters recognized in the preferred name field include:
- á
- é
- í
- ñ
- ó
- ú
- ü
- ý
- Á
- É
- Í
- Ñ
- Ó
- Ú
- Ü
- Ý
- ‘
- -
- Space
New Resource — Windows and Mirrors: Curriculum that Honors Latino Children and Families
Affects: Waterford Reading Academy, Waterford Mentor, Waterford Upstart
Learn about the ways that Waterford curriculum supports and honors Latino students, including Spanish-language learning support for families, digital activities, and teacher resources.
Windows and Mirrors: Curriculum that Honors Latino Children and Families is available in English and Spanish in the Resources & Activities tab of Waterford Reading Academy, Waterford Upstart, and Waterford Mentor.