Release Notes 9.21.2022 will release an automatic software update on September 21, 2022. See the list below for details.

If you have any questions or feedback, our Support Team is always happy to help.

Reminder: Help Tool Available Inside Waterford Reading Academy, Upstart, and Mentor

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy, Waterford Upstart, Waterford Mentor

Help when and where you need it, without leaving your account! As a quick reminder, educators and families can now access online help information from their Waterford account. A window with help articles related to the current screen will appear when users select the question mark button in the bottom right corner of their account.

screenshot of Help tool

Users can also view articles from other categories by selecting the Help Categories button from the window. Each help category link will open a curated list of articles specific to the program, the user’s role, and the category chosen.

screenshot of Waterford account with Help tool open

Additionally, users can start a live chat with a Waterford Support team member from this window by selecting the orange Support button.

Coming Soon: Multi-Select Feature for Playlists

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

Build playlists faster and more efficiently! When creating custom playlists, you will be able to select more than one activity at a time from the search window.

screenshot of the multi-select feature

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