Introduction to the Checklist Tab (Waterford Upstart)

Through the Checklist tab, you can see a list of the tasks to complete as you get set up with Waterford Upstart. The tasks are organized in two categories: complete and to-do. Each task includes information about how to complete it and time required for the task.

Depending on your progress in Waterford Upstart, these tasks may need to be completed: 

  • Complete the Profile Form: Please answer a few brief questions to help us get to know you.
  • Watch the Parent Training Video: This video will show you an overview of the program and how to best prepare for success. Watching this video is required to unlock your child's lessons.
  • Watch the Welcome to Waterford Video: Learn about how Waterford teaches young learners reading, math, and science skills.
  • Make Sure You Have the Proper Equipment: Your child will need a working computer, headphones or speakers, and a mouse to use the program. Go to the Enrollment tab and click on the Computer and Internet buttons for more details about equipment.
  • Write Down Your Program Start Date: You'll find your start date on your program card in the Enrollment tab. Add it to your calendar (phone or wall) to keep track of this important date. 
  • Save Our Phone Number in Your Contacts: We are just a phone call away! Our support number is 888-982-9898. Put it in your phone so you can easily get a hold of us and recognize when our coaches call you.

You may have additional checklist tasks related to your area’s specific Waterford program. Ohio residents, for example, may receive this task:

  • Complete the TANF Survey: This program is made possible by funding through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS). In order to best serve families, we request that you fill out a short survey. Your Welcome Kit will include the survey form (ODJFS TANF Non-assistance Eligibility Form for TANF Funded Services) and a return envelope. Please complete this form and send it back in the envelope provided. 

After you complete a task, check the Mark as Completed box below its name. A green check mark will appear and the task will move to the completed section.

screenshot of the Checklist tab in Waterford Upstart

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