Assigning Tags to Students in Waterford Reading Academy (Teachers and School Administrators)

As a school administrator or teacher using Waterford Reading Academy, you can apply custom tags created by your district administrator to individual or multiple students. You can use these custom tags as a filter for generating reports and dashboard data.

Assigning Tags to Individual Students

To assign a tag to an individual student:

  1. Log in to your Waterford account and visit the Staff and Students tab for school administrators or Students tab for teachers.
  2. Select the dropdown bar for an individual student.
  3. In the bottom righthand corner of the Information tab, scroll to the Tags box.
  4. Press anywhere within this box to see a pre-populated list of tags available for this student.
  5. Choose the tags you would like to assign to this student, then select Save to confirm your choices.
The custom tags that are available for selection are created by your district administrator and unable to be made or edited by school administrators and teachers.
screenshot of the Information tab
Assigning Tags to Multiple Students

You can also assign a tag to multiple students. To assign tags for multiple students at once:

  1. Log in to your Waterford account and visit the Staff and Students tab for school administrators or Students tab for teachers.
  2. Apply School and Class filters as needed to navigate to the student(s) you would like to assign tag(s).
  3. Check the box next to the name(s) of all students who you want to assign tag(s). You can view the number of student(s) who meet your filter criteria and how many you have currently selected at the top of the list.
To check the box for all students on your list, choose Select All. This will select all students that match the filter(s) you have applied, not just the students shown on the page.
screenshot of the Staff and Students tab
  1. Select the Manage Tags button to the right when you have chosen all the students who you would like to assign the custom tag(s). You will be redirected to a pop-up window.
screenshot of the Manage Tags button
  1. Press anywhere in the pop-up window to select the tag(s) you want to assign to these students. After you have selected one or more tags, a + Add Tags button will appear.
screenshot of the Manage Tags pop-up window
  1. Select the + Add Tags button, then select Confirm to finalize your choices.
screenshot of the Confirm buttton

While your bulk tag assignment request is in progress, visit your notifications to see a progress bar with the operation status. When the operation is complete, you will receive a confirmation dialogue to let you know it was successful.

screenshot of the In Progress notification
screenshot of the Success notification

Applying Tags to Waterford Dashboards and Reports

After you have assigned custom tags to students, you will be able to view student data by tag by using the Tags filter in the Dashboards and Reports tabs. To apply tags as dashboard filters:

  1. Log in to your Waterford account and visit the Dashboards tab.
  2. Select the View ( Schools, Classes, or Students) you want to see for this dashboard.
  3. Select the Tags filter on the left and apply the custom tag(s) you would like to use to sort your students.
If multiple tags are applied, the results will include students that have at least one of the selected tags applied to their account.
screenshot of the Dashboards tab

To apply tags as report filters:

  1. Log in to your Waterford account and visit the Reports tab.
  2. Select the View (Schools, Classes, or Students) you want to see for this report.
  3. Select the Tags filter on the left and apply the custom tag(s) you would like to use to sort your students.
If multiple tags are applied, the results will include students that have at least one of the selected tags applied to their account.
  1. Continue generating your selected report (visit this page for instructions).
For reports, it may take up to two hours from the time tags are added to students before the data reflects accordingly in the report.
This feature is enabled on request for Waterford partners. If you are not seeing this as an available functionality, please reach out to the Waterford Support Team for assistance.

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