Viewing or Revoking Waterford Mentor Codes

Viewing Waterford Mentor Codes

To view a Mentor code for your student:

  1. Log in to the Teacher Portal and select the Students tab.
  2. Check the box next to the name of the student whose Mentor code you would like to view.
    Note: If you would like to make a personal PDF with every child’s Mentor code, choose Select All instead of checking an individual student’s box.
  3. Select Mentor Codes. This will open a pop-up window with two options: View Mentor Codes and Revoke Mentor Codes.
  4. Select View Mentor Codes or View Spanish Mentor Codes.

This will open a PDF on your computer with the selected student’s Mentor code. You can then print and share this PDF with the student’s family.

GIF displaying an educator generating Waterford Mentor codes

Revoking Waterford Mentor Codes

When you revoke a Mentor code, the family associated with it can no longer access a student’s information in Waterford Mentor.

To revoke a Mentor code for a student:

  1. Log in to the Teacher Portal and select the Students tab.
  2. Check the box next to the name of the student whose Mentor code you would like to revoke.
If you would like to revoke all Mentor codes for your class, choose Select All instead.
  1. Select Mentor Codes. This will open a pop-up window with two options: View Mentor Codes and Revoke Mentor Codes.
  2. Select Revoke Mentor Codes.
  3. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm your choice. Check Yes, Revoke Codes.
GIF displaying an educator revoking Waterford Mentor codes

This will remove the family’s access to the student’s Waterford Mentor information.

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