Curriculet: Enrolling a Student

Curriculet is an independent reading platform for grades 3–12 that can be used with an e-reader, print book, or audiobook. As students read or listen to the text, they follow along with a Curriculet lesson that offers supplemental support, including videos, definitions, and articles. Each Curriculet also challenges students with checkpoint quizzes and open-ended questions.

Follow these steps to enroll a student from your Waterford Reading Academy account:

  1. Log in to your Waterford account and visit the Students tab.
    Students tab screenshot
  2. Scroll to the student who you would like to assign a Curriculet to and select the View button next to their name.
    View button screenshot
  3. Select Courses & Goals, then turn the Curriculet course tab from off (gray) to on (blue).
Curriculet Enrollment button screenshot
  1. Select Save. A pop up window will appear. Choose Confirm to enroll the student in the Curriculet.

Confirm button screenshot

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