09.24.2019 Release Notes

Waterford.org released an automatic software update on September 24, 2019. See the list below for update details. If you have any questions or feedback, our Support Team is always happy to help.

New Feature: Waterford Reading Academy Teacher Portal

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

We released a Teacher Portal for all users who have access to Waterford Reading Academy on early release. Teachers can now access the following features for all students using Waterford Reading Academy programs:

  • Student List and Assignments
  • Dashboards
  • Reports

Waterford Reading Academy is our new, comprehensive reading curriculum for K-12 students. As of right now, the Waterford Reading Academy and its Teacher Portal is only released on early access.

If you’re interested in using Waterford Reading Academy at your school, contact your school relations specialist for more information.

screenshot of the Waterford Reading Academy Teacher Portal

New Phonological Awareness and Social-Emotional Learning Activities

Affects: Waterford Early Learning (WEL), WEL: SmartStart

We added new phonological awareness and social-emotional learning (SEL) activities for in-class instruction. You can access these activities through the Curriculum tab in Waterford Manager.

screenshot of a Waterford activity

New Column in This Week Dashboards: Objectives Mastered

Affects: Waterford Early Learning (WEL), WEL: SmartStart

We added an Objectives Mastered column to This Week Dashboards in Waterford Manager. This column will show you the percentage of objectives mastered within the past week.

This will replace the column Objectives Remaining. Instead of displaying which objectives a student has yet to master, This Week will display recent objective achievements.

screenshot of a This Week dashboard

New Column in Class Progress Report: Mastery Percentage

Affects: Waterford Early Learning (WEL), WEL: SmartStart

We added a Mastery Percentage column to Class Progress Reports in Waterford Manager. This column will show what percentage of objectives a student has mastered in their program within the time period selected for the report.

This will replace the column Objectives Remaining. Instead of displaying which objectives a student has yet to master, Class Progress Reports will display the general percentage of objectives mastered.

Added Difficulty Indicators to Student Curriculets

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy, Curriculet

We added difficulty indicators to all student curriculets. Based on a student’s independent reading level, all curriculets will appear within one of the following categories:

  • Easy (E)
  • Just Right (JR)
  • Stretch (S)
  • Difficult (D)
screenshots of the new difficulty indicators

Fixed Bugs/Issues:

  • Based on feedback from our users, all student curriculets in Waterford Reading Academy and Curriculet now have descriptions that better fit their reading levels.

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