Understanding the Weekly Progress Report as a Teacher or Administrator

Generating a Weekly Progress Report

To select and view a Weekly Progress report in Waterford Reading Academy:

  1. Log in to Waterford Reading Academy and visit the Reports tab.
  2. Choose Students under view.
  3. Choose the Curriculum that you would like to view the report for (Early Reading, Early Math & Science, SmartStart, or Assessments).
  4. Select the date range for which you would like to generate the report.
  5. Select the student(s) that you would like to view within the report.
  6. Scroll to Weekly Progress Report from the list of reports and select Open.

The report will now load in the same window for you to view.

Reading a Weekly Progress Report

As a teacher or administrator in Waterford Reading Academy, you can run the Weekly Progress report to see a breakdown of student performance on a week-by-week basis. This report displays data for the past 9 weeks and is refreshed hourly.

You can run the report on multiple students at a time by selecting student(s) from the Students filter while generating the report. Use the Dates filter to customize the time frame for which you want to run the report. 

If multiple students are selected, the report will display the students alphabetically. You can use the arrows in the report to move between pages and view data for other students. 

Weekly Progress Report screenshot

This report will order the data for each student by their first week of usage in the selected time frame and include the following information:

  • Usage: minutes the student used the program during that week
  • Days: days in which a student played a session of at least 30 seconds in that week
  • Current Level: the level for which the student is currently at in the program. Note that the percentage listed reflects their progress through that level of the program.:
In the screenshot above, for example, Example Student was 28% through the Pre-Reading 1 level during the week of March 28th, 2022
  • Progress Towards Goal: represents the students’ progress towards their specific end of year goal.
    • For example, consider a student who began the program at 0% through Basic Reading 1 and their end-of-year goal is 100% completion Basic Reading 3. If the students’ current progress is 100% complete for Basic Reading 1, their Progress Towards Goal will be shown as 33% because they have completed Basic Reading 1, but they still need to complete Basic Reading 2 and Basic Reading 3.
It is possible for a student to have a lower percentage towards goal than a previous week. This is because the program dynamically moves a student to a previous level if an assessment activity determined that they need to revisit a learning concept.
  • Mastery Percentage: this represents the number of objectives the student has mastered out of every objective encountered in that week
    • For example, if a student encountered 100 objectives in a week and mastered 75, their Mastery Percentage will display as 75%.
  • Highest Score: the strand with the highest score for the given week
  • Lowest Score: the strand with the lowest score for the given week
As noted in the Waterford refresh rate guidelines, all Waterford reports update hourly.

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