Introduction to Student Summary Dashboards

As a teacher or administrator in Waterford Reading Academy, you can use the Summary dashboard to view a summary of student progress. This is the default view for the student dashboards.

Here you can see daily and weekly usage and usage goals by minutes, as well as overall completion towards goal.

The Today and This Week columns of the dashboard display the Daily and Weekly usage goals.

  • Today displays minutes used for the current day along with a student's daily goal.
  • This Week displays a student's overall usage goal for the week, which is calculated by multiplying a student’s daily usage goal by the number of days a week they are assigned to use the program.
Usage data is updated every 2 hours. Any updates to goals and corresponding percentage completion will be reflected the following day.

The Overall area percentage displays the students’ progress towards their end of year goal. In this area you will also see an indicator of the students’ current projected status to meeting their goal, including:

  • Surpassing Goal (Green): Student is projected to surpass their project goal by the end of the school term
  • On Track (Blue): Student is projected to meet their project goal by the end of the school term
  • Catching Up (Purple): Student is not currently projected to meet their goal, but an action plan has been taken by their teacher
  • Needs Teacher Action (Orange): Student is not currently projected to meet their goal and has not been assigned an action plan by their teacher

You can take action on a student dashboard by selecting a student’s goal status. You will be redirected to a dropdown window where you can adjust the student's goal status, minutes per day, and days per week.

screenshot of a student summary dashboard
screenshot of a student status dropdown window
As noted in the Waterford refresh rate guidelines, Waterford dashboards update within ten minutes.

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