Release Notes 8.10.22 will release an automatic software update on August 10, 2022. See the list below for updated details. If you have any questions or feedback, our Support Team is always happy to help.

Added Feature: Session Timer

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

In response to user feedback, student sessions now display a timer on screen so educators can easily view the remaining session time to inform classroom management.

screenshot of activity with session timer

Added Feature: Student Tagging

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

District administrators can now create custom student tags within Waterford Reading Academy. Once created, administrators and teachers can attach a tag to individual student records. These custom tags can be used to filter dashboards and reports for easier grouping.

screenshot of the new Tag Manager feature in the Organizations tab

For more information on the student tagging feature, visit this Help Site article for district administrators or this one for school administrators and teachers.

Enhanced Process for Manual Student Import

Affects: Waterford Reading Academy

The manual import process now includes more detailed instructions to guide administrators as they create their CSV file. Administrators receive more detailed feedback if there are data inconsistencies within the file they import.

To learn more about the improved manual student import process, visit this Help Site article.

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