Introduction to

Curriculet is an independent reading platform for grades 3–12 that can be used with an e-reader, print book, or audiobook. As students read or listen to the text, they follow along with a curriculet lesson that offers supplemental support. This support can include videos, definitions, and articles, as well as encounter interactions including questions, checkpoint quizzes, and open-ended questions that encourage deeper thinking and comprehension.

Curriculet ties into Waterford’s mission to transition students from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” Each curriculet is designed to teach independent reading and critical thinking skills that prepare students for lifelong academic success.

Answers to Common Questions About Curriculet

Here's a list of answers to common questions about using Curriculet for administrators:

Here's a list of answers to common questions about using Curriculet for teachers:

Devices Compatible with Curriculet

In terms of web browsers, Curriculet works best in Google Chrome. The teacher and administrator versions of Curriculet work best on a desktop or laptop, though they can work on any device that supports a browser (including tablets).

The student version of Curriculet works on any browser-enabled device, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

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