Preparing Your District for a New School Year with Waterford Reading Academy (District Administrators)

Complete these five steps to get your district ready to use Waterford Reading Academy at the start of a new school year. All five steps must be completed before your students can start Waterford sessions.

Waterford curriculum improves every year in order to offer students the best possible experience. For that reason, it is important to review system requirements before the start of each school year for compatibility.

You will receive an automated form to make sure your district meets device and software requirements. Fill out and return the form before you prepare for a new program year with Waterford. If you have not received a form, reach out to your Waterford partner.

1. Update your program start and end date.

Updating your district’s start and end date for the school year is essential for accurate reporting parameters. If you did not change these dates at the end of last year to reflect the next school year, now is the time to do so.

Once you have changed your program start and end date, reporting data from last year will no longer be available to view. This step will not affect whether a student will be able to begin where they left off at the end of the last school year.

You can find instructions here for updating your program reporting parameters.

2. Determine whether your district will reset all students to Placement tests.

Resetting all students to a Placement assessment gives them an opportunity to take a new Placement test at the beginning of a new school year. Districts that wish to give students a fresh start each year should consider this option.

However, if you reset to Placement students will not continue from where they left off last year. Instead, their starting level will be based on their new Placement score.

Once this step is completed, it cannot be undone.

If you decide to reset placement exams for your district, follow the instructions here

3. Decide whether to remove all class and student associations.

Removing class and student associations for all teacher accounts from the previous year releases Waterford licenses from all accounts, allowing you to re-assign licenses and courses more smoothly at the beginning of a new school year.

Like resetting Placement tests, this action cannot be undone after it has been completed.

If you decide to remove all associations from the previous year for your district, follow the instructions here.

4.  Enroll students and staff in their classes.

Clever or Classlink users can sync district information using those systems. Manual imports are available for all other districts, or you can add staff and student accounts individually.

For assistance with rostering, schedule a meeting with Waterford Support using Calendly:

5.  Assign courses and goals on the district, school, or classroom level.

Once you have updated rostering information for your district, assign Waterford courses by grade level for your district or individual schools and classrooms. You can also assign courses to individual students. Remember to review your district’s licensing information before doing so.

You can then adjust learning goals by grade level on the district, school, or classroom level. This includes session length, minutes per day, starting level, and end-of-year goal. You can also set goals for individual students.

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