Getting Started Hub for Administrators

Welcome to the Getting Started Hub for Waterford administrators! Here you'll find a collection of instructions for what your school or district needs to set up and use the Waterford curriculum.

Follow the links to the titles below for helpful tips and instructions to get started.

Rostering Staff, Student, and Class Information

Learn how to import or manually add rostering information:

Accessing Waterford Licenses

Learn how to access licensing information for your school or district:

Assigning Courses

Learn how to assign a Waterford course to students:

Generating Student Login QR Badges

Learn how to generate QR codes that your students can use to log in to their Waterford account:

Implementing Spanish Language Support

Learn how to turn on Spanish language activity support for students in your school or district:

Adding Waterford URLs to Content Filter Approval Lists

Learn how to add Waterford URLs to your approval list for schools or districts that use a content filter:

Understanding Waterford Dashboards and Reports

Learn how to access Waterford Dashboards and Reports, along with guides to understanding the data contained in both:

Getting Started Webinars

For more getting started tips, visit the Waterford Reading Academy webinar page. Here, you can find videos on the following topics to help you master using Waterford Reading Academy in your school:

  • Managing the Admin Functionality in Waterford Reading Academy
  • Getting Started with Waterford Reading Academy
  • What’s New in Waterford Reading Academy
  • Waterford Data and Dashboards
  • Waterford Resources to Support Families

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